Stop hiding behind the internet. If it's difficult to say it to someone's face, don't write it online. Calling women the c-word or bitch...

What Is Normal (for the millionth time)
Ugh, do we still have to keep talking about how much sex is normal? But because this popped up on CNN the other day, yep, I guess we...

Viral Video: Sex Ed Differences in Europe vs. U.S.
This is seriously shameful and was a major part of my TEDx talk. We have to start these conversations earlier, BEFORE children even...

Site of the Month: OMGyes
In honor of my new website layout, I've decided to start a new blogging series too! This time around it's the Site of the Month. For...

Welcome to the new Healthy Sex and You!
As you may have noticed, it's a whole brand new Healthy Sex and You website! I'm so excited to be able to share sexual health information...