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Site of the Month: OMGyes

In honor of my new website layout, I've decided to start a new blogging series too! This time around it's the Site of the Month.

For April, I'm highlighting a site call OMGyes. It's genius. It's provocative. It's educational. It's all about female pleasure!

If you saw my TEDx talk, then you know I'm all about adding the discussion of pleasure to sex ed. It's not only useful but it gets right to the point of why the majority of people have sex: because it feels good. This site is the brainchild of two entrepreneurs that just get it.

You go to their beautifully designed website to find this on their home page:


Explore the specific ways different women find pleasure based on new research. Refreshingly open & honest videos and a new way to try each technique, right on your touchscreen.


Um, yes please. OMGyes launched in December by co-founders Lydia Daniller and Rob Perkins, and one of the major reasons they decided to start this project was because of the overwhelming lack of research into female sexual pleasure.


Sex research has been about general behaviors, like percentages of people who masturbate or use vibrators. Or the biology of what happens inside the body during sex and orgasm. But the actual techniques for women’s pleasure just hadn’t been researched before. Why? The large institutions that conduct research usually have at least a few very conservative supporters. And, for them, the specifics for women’s pleasure are still too taboo and uncomfortable to look at directly and specifically.


I've said time and time again that we are born with the expectation that we can just figure all this stuff out, and that yes we will make many mistakes along the way, but eventually we'll all figure sex out. But unfortunately, for many of us, those mistakes can cost us a lot, like self-esteem, trust, loyalty, our emotional and physical health. We tend to think that all women are different but what they found at OMGyes was surprising.


No matter their age, women shared very similar realizations, techniques, frustrations, and lessons they wish they could go back in time and tell themselves and their partners. Insights about everything from specific ways of squeezing the clit in between surrounding skin to ways to stop overthinking in bed. From tricks to say what you like without hurting feelings to the ways certain rhythms of movement change the sensations building up to orgasm and result in different kinds of orgasms.


If you've ever been curious about your own body or how to get a woman off, check out this site. It's $39, which grants full access to the numerous video simulations and interviews on the site. It's everything you ever wanted to know about female pleasure, all located on one website. See, I told you it was genius.

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